载片(Wafers):直径小于100mm的各种基片(up to 100 mm wafers)
气体(Gas lines):Ar、O2、N2
靶源(Magnetron sputtering sources):三个2吋标准磁控靶(2个RF源300 W,1个直流源1000 W),一个2吋增强靶(直流源500 W)(Three 2-inch standard strength (two 300 W RF sources, one 1000 W DC source), and one high strength magnetron sputtering sources, 500 W)
样品台转速及温度范围(Rotating speed of and temperature range of the sample stage):最高转速30 rmp,室温至800 ℃ (Up to 30 rmp, and room temperature up to 800℃)
薄膜不均匀度(Nonuniformity):< 5%